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Katinka Schumacher, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany / November – December 2019

Katinka Schumacher, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany / November – December 2019

During my postgraduate lawyer training I completed an internship at the law firm Heskia-Hacmun in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The office is located very centrally and on the beach promenade of Tel Aviv. As a result, I could not get enough of the beautiful view from the 17th floor of the law firms office.

The atmosphere in the office is very familiar and friendly. On my first day as an intern, I was warmly welcomed and directly integrated into the work processes of the law firm. The law firm is internationally aligned, which is why in addition to the Hebrew language especially English and German are spoken as well. Therefore, it is easily possible to do an internship at Heskia-Hacmun law firm without knowledge of Hebrew. My tasks during the internship included the support of the attorneys and office in organisation and legal matters as well as courier services within Tel Aviv. In addition, I was allowed to attend exciting court hearings at the district courts of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

There is always a nice exchange at the law firm, because Heskia-Hacmun steadily employs several and mostly international interns or trainees at the same time. During my internship I was therefore able to find new friends and get in touch with others very quickly.

Due to the pleasant atmosphere inside the office, my time flew by. I am very grateful for the opportunity to complete part of my postgraduate lawyer training in Tel Aviv and especially in the law firm Heskia-Hacmun. The work in the law firm gave me the unique opportunity to gain a deeper insight in how legal work is organized in an Israeli law firm and how the firm presents itself in terms of content. I am very thankful to everybody of the team of Heskia-Hacmun and I am very sad that this great time is already over.