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Klaus Rieger, Germany / August – September 2005

Klaus-Juergen Rieger


Education: University of Passau: 1st Legal State Exam 2004 (J.D. equivalent) Pre-Diploma in Business Administration 2001.

Languages: German, English, French, Portuguese


When I arrived in Israel I did not know what to expect. But no matter what I would have expected it would have been exceeded by Reality. Working for Heskia Hacmun Lae Firm as a legal intern is really an amazing experience. The atmosphere in the law office is very amicable. The lawyer and staff is like a big family and all interns get integrated from the first day on. So if you are in need for some advice (also if you make plans for your weekend-trips) everybody would be glad to give you a helping hand.

How to run a law firm successfully

Interns can also learn a lot about how to run a law firm successfully. Especially I want to put emphasize on the weekly office meetings. These meetings are really a nice way to start into a new week in a friendly atmosphere and express best the team orientated firm philosophy.

Besides the legal work I also got the opportunity to be part of the annual art project. That is to say I had to do some interesting public relations work. Moreover my job contained legal translations and internet research. I also learned a lot about the Israeli legal system especially when I accompanied other attorneys fron th office to court proceedings.
Interns also get a lot of spare time in order to explore this magical country and its lovely people. And there is really a huge amount of sights you have to see if you visit Israel.

Finally I can recommend it to everybody to visit this wonderful country and explore its fascinating culture. And if you make plans to go there the best place to perform your stage would be Heskia Hacmun Law Firm.